Stanwick Management Consultants

Start year: 1970
Katia Van den Bremt - 09 210 59 50 - Contact Stanwick Management Consultants now - Beerveldse Baan 2 bus 2, 9080 Lochristi

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General presentation

Onze ontwikkelingsactiviteiten zijn steeds gekaderd in een breder adviestraject, waarbij we training en andere ontwikkelingsaanpakken als medium inschakelen om ervoor te zorgen dat medewerkers het veranderingsproces binnen hun organisatie optimaal kunnen trekken, begeleiden en ondersteunen. Ontwikkelingstrajecten omvatten dan ook diverse thema's (van Six Sigma over Lean Office tot Zelfsturende teams).

Assets of the organization

Zowel in de consultingaanpak als in onze opleidingen worden technische, sociale en management componenten steeds geïntegreerd. Om het leereffect in de organisatie te maximaliseren voorzien we multi-level trainingen waarin we zowel managers, supervisors, operatoren als staff medewerkers kunnen opleiden.


(The information below is only available for validated organizations.)
Stanwick Management Consultants's profile

Types of services

Open courses XXL
In-company courses XXL
E-learning XXS
Coaching L
Combined activities

Number of staff

Consultants 5.8 17
Management and support staff 3 3

Expertise domains

Informatics XXXL
Strategy and Management XXL
Security, Environment and Quality XXS


IT security
IT management
Network and devices
Software development and programming
Computer applications - end users
Quality assurance
Stanwick Management Consultants's Customers


Customers sectors

Industry 9%
Construction 0%
Transport 1%
Sales and distribution 0%
Finance 7%
IT and telecom 0%
Other services 8%
Public authorities 69%
Non-profit 3%
Others 3%

Type of users

Top management 3%
SME business managers 4%
VSE business managers 2%
Middle management 10%
White collar workers 80%
Blue collar workers 1%
Others 0%

Number of clients

2014 XL
2013 XL
2012 XL


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On this RepQuest Profile, the information was not validated. All the information is delivered by the organization.